Capturing key insights from advisory board meetings to reach a successful outcome

8:55 AM - 9:25 AM

Advisory board meetings (ABMs) provide a unique opportunity for clients to engage and build relationships with key stakeholders, such as healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups and payers to gain their expert advice on a variety of important topics. Topics can vary from how to design a clinical trial, how to have meaningful conversations with regulators, and how to improve disease awareness and the care of patients living with a disease to understanding the burden of a disease on a patient and challenges with accessing treatment. ABMs can be targeted to international or local stakeholders with varying expertise and experiences from different backgrounds, and can be hosted face-to-face, virtually or in a hybrid setting. Writing minutes of long, free-flowing, technical conversations at ABMs on wide-ranging topics is a challenging task; and capturing actionable take-home-messages that are useful to clients in a clear, concise way is even more so. ABMs therefore require careful planning and a solid approach to minute-taking and summarising the discussion to help maximise outputs and ensure continual engagement with their stakeholders. In the first of four presentations on the role of medical writers in ABMs, we aim to share our experiences of how to best run an ABM depending on its context, and how to capture meeting insights from small group discussions to meet your client’s needs.